Getting the Most Out of Weight Training

Copper Fit Most of Weight TrainingCardiovascular workouts (running, walking, bicycling, etc.) are key to good health. It’s important to keep your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes a day without a rest in these workouts. When that happens for at least four days, your metabolism increases and your body uses more food material to build up your body, thus, burning calories and keeping your fat burning even as you sleep.

An equally important part of any fitness routine is weight training. Unlike cardio, weight training should be different each day, working out two muscle groups a day for about 2 hours if possible.

A great weekly routine is the following: chest & triceps on Monday and Thursday, back & biceps on Tuesday and Friday, and shoulders & legs on Wednesday and Saturday. If you’ve been good, then you can take Sunday off, or whatever start and end of your week you would like.

The reason for this routine is to actively tear your muscle tissue in the gym, and then for the protein in your diet to rebuild those tiny tears with more scar and muscle tissue. This is what makes muscles grow.

Weight training works best when you follow the “Pyramid Stacking” and “Lift to Failure” styles. In this, you do five sets of three muscles within the muscle group, so fifteen sets per muscle group with two groups per day.

Begin your five sets with a low weight and 10-12 reps. Rest for 30-90 seconds, and then increase the weight by 5 pounds (20-30 pounds for legs and shoulders). Now for the second set, do 8-10 reps. Third set, same thing. Increase by 5 pounds. By your fifth set, you will barely be able to push that weight. That is the idea. You will now spend 5 reps crying, grunting, and being yelled encouraging words at by your gym buddy. You will fail on the fifth repetition. That’s the idea.

Copper Fit and Weight TrainingYou have now maxed out that particular muscle, and now you need a few days to build more muscle into those tiny tears you just made.

Weight training is a fantastic way to make your body look great. Nothing feels better than six-pack abs! The only real secret isn’t to train, but to make sure that you eat right so you can really see the definition. In combination, weight training and cardio training will make you look amazing with 3 month milestones where you look in the mirror and don’t recognize yourself because you’ve changed so much.

Some people don’t want that hulking look, so if you see yourself getting too bulky, ease up your routine a bit. Or, as a great alternative, just do more repetitions with less weight.

Also, of course, be sure to use your Copper Fit compression sleeves to help you with your routines!